One of the podcasts I look forward to each week is the Life Coach School Podcast with Brooke Castillo, and when a recent episode popped up about money I was stoked. As I listened I found myself nodding in agreement and thinking about how I could share this with my fellow business buds. I wish I could tell every single business owner to stop saying they’re not in it for the money. Here’s why
Stop lying
You are 100% in it for the money. What is the point of having a business if you’re not in it to make a profit? If you’re really not in it for the money then I suggest you just give away EVERYTHING you make. But you’re not going to do that are you? I’m surely not. I’m definitely in this for the money. I’m sure that makes some of you recoil, but please note that I didn’t say I’m in it for the money above all else.
I’m in it for the money, yes. I want the fruits of my labor to bring home money to support my family. But I’m also in it to support fellow business owners, to do something that I enjoy, to watch others grow their business, to make an impact. Money is just one of the reasons I’m in it, and it’s not even the most important one, but it’s still a reason. Stop pretending like you don’t care about the money. Perhaps you care about other things more, but you still care about the money. And to pretend otherwise is lying.

Be a steward of money
Money is going to be in the world whether it’s under your control or under the control of someone else. Why not have that money in your control? As a heart-centered business owner, you are going to be in the best position to make wise choices about what that money will accomplish. You can use it to support other business owners and to hire employees (and help support their families). Money provides for your own family, your children, your life.
Money should be in your hands so that you can decide how to steward it, how to care for it, and to make sure that it has an impact in this world. You can support causes you care about, support business owners who are doing work you love, support our economy. You are careful with your money because you care about money.
What to say about money instead
Instead of saying you’re not in it for the money consider saying something like this
- I’m not in it to spend money on frivolous things
- I’m in it to steward my money well
- I’m in it to support my family, my employees, and other business owners
- Money is an indication of how well I’m serving my clients
If all else fails, just don’t say anything about money at all. That’s way better than lying to yourself (and everyone else) about not being in it for the money.
Money is a wonderful thing, and having money means you can do so many impactful things in this world. Be in it for the money.