Not on your bookkeeping

You’re a woman who loves serving her clients and running her own business.

Your clients are achieving amazing things, and you’re right there beside them, championing them on. It’s not easy, but you’re rocking it!

Between changing your clients lives and doing all the things it takes to run a successful business you’re falling behind on your bookkeeping. You know it needs to be done but you’re feeling totally overwhelmed, and don’t know where to start.

You’ve tried figuring it out on your own but you’re still worried that you’re not doing it right.

You know it’s important, heck you’re reminded of that every tax season when you swear you’ll do better, but somehow it always ends up on the back burner.

You’ve tried managing your income and expenses on a spreadsheet, legal pad, you name it, but it always such a mess. You know it’s time to pick a software but you’re frustrated because you don’t know what accounting software to pick for your business, or what exactly you should track, and how often you need to deal with it.

You know it would be so much easier if you could just find someone you trust to take your books off your hands.

Hi, I'm Megan Carter

I’m a bookkeeper for women who run a service-based business. They dread tracking their business expenses and want someone they can trust to take it off their hands. I get their books in order so they can focus on serving their clients.

Growing up I always loved math, you followed a specific procedure and got to the one correct answer. I stuck to the advanced math classes in high school and eventually I took an accounting class and just loved it. Later I chose accounting as my college major because I loved the transactional nature of it. I love reconciling accounts and making sure numbers agree. I actually love doing what most people dread and consider boring!

But the farther I got in my accounting career the farther away I got from the transactions and clients. I wanted to work directly with people, to make an impact in their business and watch it grow. I wanted to my work to matter to someone.

My Journey Here

My first corporate job was a staff auditor at a big 4 accounting firm. I spent a couple years auditing the financial statements of commercial banks, an oil and gas company, and a stock exchange, where I worked closely with the client to understand their business and answer their questions. I got to interact with upper management and supervise less experienced staff members. I loved that I got to learn about different types of businesses, dig into their transactions, and see how they operated. I got to travel, and work in different environments.

Eventually I tired of the 60+ hour weeks, working on weekends, year end inventory trips to the middle of nowhere to count spools of wire, silos of grain, and bags of flour (seriously, I’ve counted all that and more), and being shipped off to other offices around the country for weeks at a time. I was tired of the hotel rooms, boring locations and missing my friend and family, so I moved on and went to work in the accounting department of a large engineering firm.

My new job provided more consistent hours, my own desk, and no travel. During my years there I worked as a liaison between the IT and Accounting department, troubleshooting issues with reports and our financial system.

After several years I looked up and realized that I was miserable. I was spending all day working on projects that I couldn’t care less about but still stressed me out, and sitting in pointless meetings that accomplished nothing. I dreaded going to work every morning, could barely make it through the work day without tears, and spent every Sunday afternoon slowly sinking into a bad mood.

What happened to the transactions, the reconciliations, the serving clients? I was so far removed from the transactional accounting activities I actually enjoyed. I missed helping people solve problems and providing them with useful information. The only bright spot in my day was the few random minutes that I got to help someone figure something out. I wanted to spend more time really helping people.

Sure, if I really thought about it my work was supporting a chain of people who were eventually supporting an end client, who supposedly is doing great things in the world, but I was so far removed. I wanted to be closer to the end results, I wanted to see the outcome of my work. I wanted to personally help someone accomplish their big dream.

I wanted to do work that matters, directly helping people who are also doing work that matters. That’s when I decided to start my own bookkeeping business, helping women in service based businesses get their books in order so they can focus on serving their clients.

Where I am today

Today I get to help my clients succeed in their businesses by taking away the stress and overwhelm of keeping up with their books. I love bookkeeping because it allows me to use my love of math, and desire to help and serve others in a way that has a direct impact on their lives and business. Bookkeeping and small business is just fun for me. I nerd out when an account balances, or I learn a new trick in Excel, or there’s a new episode of Shark Tank. I love to see my clients grow and win in their businesses.

Every business needs to keep books, but not every business owner loves bookkeeping, and that’s okay, that’s why I’m here.

If you’re frustrated and overwhelmed when it comes to tracking your expenses click here to learn more about the different ways I can help you with your bookkeeping.

Bookkeeping seem complicated?

You know bookkeeping is vital to the success of your business. Stop procrastinating and start getting it done with this simple checklist. You’ll get:

  • A list of exactly what tasks you need to do each week, month, quarter, and year so you can stay on track.
  • Tax due date reminders so you stay on the IRS’s good side
  • All the satisfying checkboxes so you can finally mark bookkeeping off your to do list