As a business owner, you get the unique opportunity to determine how much money you will make. You’re no longer counting on someone in HR to decide your value and therefore your income. You get to decide. It’s such a beautiful thing! But the question is, are you actually deciding? Are you earning to your fullest potential, or are you underearning?
What is underearning?
Brooke Castillo, owner of The Life Coach School defines Underearning as “...when you earn less than you're capable of earning when you desire to earn more.” So who defines what you’re capable of? And who decided what you should desire.
Both questions have the same answer...You. You decide what you’re capable of and you also get to decide what you desire. Kind of amazing right? HR is not in charge anymore.

"Underearning is when you earn less than you're capable of earning when you desire to earn more." -Brooke Castillo
So what now?
If you’ve decided that you desire and are capable of making more money (and I’m about 99.9% sure you’ve come to this conclusion, I certainly have), what do you do now? It’s time to decide what you want to earn. Dream big! The only thing stopping you is your mind. Decide what you’re going to earn in your business and get to work on believing it.
When the crap thoughts come up, the “I’m not smart enough”, the “good people don’t make that much”, the “I’ll have to sacrifice everything to hit that” thoughts come up get them down on paper. Go through each thought and decide what you could think instead. Decide to believe your alternative thoughts, instead of the crap ones that come so readily. Believing you are capable is the hard part.
Get to work
When you’ve decided how much money you’re going to make and you’ve decided to believe that you will get it done it’s time to take action. Show up for yourself, continually work on your mindset, set goals, don’t be afraid to fail. The only way to succeed is to fail quick, fail often, and keep going.
It seems oversimplified and silly, I know. But believing you will succeed, and taking action from that place, is the most important part of actually succeeding.
“The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.” ― Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich
Tell me more
By no means am I an expert on underearning and what is needed to overcome it. My goal is just to make you aware of underearning and that you have the power to change your situation. If you want to learn more about underearning check out these amazing podcasts on the topic from Brook Castillo.
Choose today to believe that you are capable and desire to earn more money. You are worth it.