4 Reasons I Love Numbers and You Should Too
Hi, my name is Megan and I’m a nerd.
I fully admit it, I love numbers. I geek out over learning a new Excel trick. Reviewing my client’s financial transactions is thrilling for me. I’m fully aware that this is a bit weird, and I accept that. But just because you aren’t as nerdy as I am doesn’t mean that you can’t have a healthy love of numbers as well.

Maybe you don’t get excited about the idea of adding them up and analyzing them but that doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate what they can do for you. Here are 4 reasons I love numbers and you should too.
1. The numbers don’t lie
The numbers are what the numbers are. There is no drama, there is no judgment, there are just cold hard facts. Numbers are truth and consistency in the ever-changing world of small business. Numbers on their own are not scary, it is our thoughts about the numbers that cause us fear. When the fear comes up just remind yourself that numbers are just facts, you create the drama around them with your thoughts.
2. Numbers are a guidepost
The numbers tell you where your business is, and how it has performed over time. The numbers can tell you where your business is growing, where the profit is coming from. Recognize and celebrate the numbers for the guidepost they are and let them lead you into better, more sound decisions.
3. Numbers tell you about your business
Do you love learning? Maybe you love personal development, or maybe you’re focused on streamlining your business with the latest and greatest tools. The numbers can tell you all about your business and your priorities. You can see what you care about just by looking at your bank statement. The numbers don’t lie.
4. Numbers allow you to be a detective
Pull out your magnifying glass and dive deep into where the money is coming from, where it is going, and how profitable your business is. Approach your books with an open mind, a willingness to learn without judgment. Think of it as a great adventure, what could you learn about your business and yourself if only you had the heart and eye of a detective?
You don’t have to be a full blown nerd to appreciate the value of numbers. Love your business enough to take care of the numbers, whether you do it yourself or hire a nerd like me to get it done for you.