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February 14, 2018

3 Reasons to Fall in Love With Bookkeeping

3 Reasons to Fall in Love With Bookkeeping

Ah, the pure joy when your bank reconciliation matches.

The complete satisfaction when every single transaction is categorized.


Just me then?

Even if you’re not as ridiculously Nerdy and number-crunchy as me there are still several reasons to love bookkeeping.

Or at the very least to love what it provides.

Vital information about your business

Is that new ad campaign paying off?

Are you spending too much on software subscriptions?

Is that obnoxious client making you money or is it time to (politely) fire their butt?

The answers to these questions and so many more lie in reviewing your financials.

But how can you do that if you’re not keeping up with your bookkeeping? Bookkeeping gives you vital information about how your business is doing.

Keeps the scary tax monsters at bay

Taxes can seem overwhelming. They can definitely be tough. 

But how much more overwhelming are they when you don’t have your books in order?

When your bookkeeping is done all you have to do is hand your reports over to a tax professional and breathe easy.


Without consistent bookkeeping, you’re struggling to pull together all the info by the deadline!


Keep up with it throughout the year and breathe easy at tax time!

Achieve 'Professional' business status

All real businesses have to keep financial records.

And you are a real business, right?

This passion of yours is not just a hobby, it’s not just for fun.

You are serving others and changing lives.

And bookkeeping makes you a real, serious, bonafide business.

You get your bookkeeping done because you mean business, serious business, and that’s freaking awesome.

I’m realistic, I know that I didn’t just make you fall in love with bookkeeping.

That’s a special love that only a few of us Nerds know.

But hopefully, you’ll love the results of bookkeeping, and the confidence of knowing that you’ve gotten that piece of the business pie taken care of.

If you’re realizing that you need to get your bookkeeping taken care of, but have absolutely no desire to do it yourself, let me help you.

I’m serious when I say that I LOVE to categorize transactions and reconcile bank accounts.

Show your business the love it deserves (and let me do the stuff I love to do).

Learn more about my Four Eyes on Your Finances Monthly Bookkeeping Service

You can finally stop wasting your time on bookkeeping, start focusing on your business, and let me be the happiest Nerd on the planet!

P.S. In case you doubt my total nerd status...these are my real glasses. No joke.

P.P.S. This is after the glass was compressed....seriously.

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I’m a bookkeeper for women who run a service-based business. They dread tracking their business expenses and want someone they can trust to take it off their hands. I get their books in order so they can focus on serving their clients.

Megan Carter

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